Sléttbakur bought and Kambaröst sold

The old Akureyrin EA-110
The old Akureyrin EA-110
Samherji hf. has today finalized the purchase of Sléttbakur EA-4 previously owned by Útgerðarfélag Akureyringa hf. Furthermore, the sale of Kambaröst SU-200 has been finalized to a fishing company in Namibia. These transactions amount to a net 100 million ISK investment for the company.


Sléttbakur EA-4 was built in Norway in the year 1968 and owned by Útgerðarfélag Akureyringa hf. from 1973. The ship was lengthened and converted to a freezer trawler 1987. Sléttbakur is 1310 gross tonnage, 69 meters long and main engine power is 3.000 hp. It is equipped for filleting and W/R freezing redfish and Greenland halibut. The ship is expected to start fishing for Samherji hf. in August.

Part of restructuring

Along with these transactions, it has been decided to take Hjalteyrin EA-310 out of operations soon and put it up for sale. Also, in the next few months, one of Samherji´s ships will be sold to Samherji´s daughter company Onward Fishing Company Ltd. Onward has, for the past years, been renting the freezer trawler Norma Mary, which is owned by Síldarvinnslan hf. in Neskaupsstaður.

News release from Samherji hf., Wednesday July 17th 2002.