
Fish processing-trimming

Are good wages, a secure working environment and good morale something you would desire?

Samherji buys a ship for Capelin fishing

Samherji hf. has, due to a an increase in the Capelin quota, bought the purse seiner/trawler Högaberg from E.M. Shipping in the Faero Islands.  A clause in the purchase agreement allowes the ship to be sold back to the former owner within 3 months from the date of signing.

Sentence passed in the case of the state of Norway versus Samherji Ltd.

Today sentence was passed in the Gulating court in Norway where Samherji hf, was sentenced to pay compensation to the Norwegian state to the amount of NOK 14 million.  This court decision was very unexpected both by the management of Samherji and their Norwegian lawyers since the representatives of the Norwegian shipyard Th. Hellesöy were acquitted in this same case last April and the  Norwegian public prosecutor did not see a reason to appeal.  Samherji has, having consulted with the Norwegian lawyers, decided to appeal against this sentence to the High court in Norway and a statement will be issued next week when the judgement has been reviewed.

Samherji´s profit nearly 1, 7 milliard ISK

Samherji Ltd. was run profitable by 1.675 million ISK in the first nine months of 2004 but profit at the same time in the year 2003 was 622 million ISK.

News announcement from Samherji Ltd.

The board of Samherji Ltd. has agreed to take part in an issue of new shares in the German company FAB GmbH for up to EUR 4.000.000.-  The issue of new shares in FAB is to finance a purchase of 58% share in the German seafood company Pickenpack-Hussman & Hahn Seafood GmbH from Orlando.  FAB already owned 40% shares in Pickenpack- Hussmann & Hahn.  KB bank finances the purchase.

Samherji Ltd. increases participation in the fishing industry in the European Union

A board meeting today in Samherji Ltd. endorsed an agreement to buy a 65% share in the German fishery CR Cuxhaven Reederei GmbH. in which Samherji already owns a 35% share. The board also endorsed a purchase by the daughter company Onward Fishing Company Ltd. of a 50% share in Boyd Line Ltd in Hull.  The quota allowances of the four companies in the European Union, Samherji owns shares in, sum up to 80% of Samherji´s fishing permits in Icelandic waters.

Samherji´s profit 1.1 milliard ISK

Samherji Ltd. was run profitable by 1.098 million ISK in the first six months of 2004 but profit in the first quarter was 459.820. 

Samherji buys the freezer trawler Akraberg

Samherji hf. has finalized an agreement to buy the freezer trawler Akraberg from Framherji Spf. in the Faero Islands, of which Samherji owns 30 % share. The agreement allowes the ship to be returned within 3ja months from the date of signature.  The crew counts 28 men and the Captain is Eydunn á Bergi, who has been Captain on the ship for many years.  Akraberg left today for Ocean Perch fishing.

Samherji hf. sells all shares in Hraðfrystistöð Þórshafnar hf.

Samherji hf. has made an agreement to sell the 49,66% share in Hraðfrystistöð Þórshafnar.  The buyers are Fræ ehf., a company owned by Þórshafnarhreppur with 34% share at nominal value ISK 167.571.418.- and Svalbarðshreppur with 15,46% share nominal value ISK  75.753.907.-  Estimated profit from the transaction is just over 300 million ISK.

A Change in the Management of Samherji

Mr.Adalsteinn Helgason, Manager of onshore operations in Samherji, has decided to leave the company in the latter part of this year. Mr. Helgason has worked for Samherji and associated companies from the year 1992 or twelve years in total. Mr. Helgason will, this summer and into the autumn, work on various projects in Samherjis operations abroad.