Eldisgarður á Reykjanesi - Tillaga að matsáætlun


Do you want to join a strong group of experienced individuals in the development of the largest land-based fish farm in Iceland, where advanced technology and forward ecological thinking aren’t the exception but the rule?

Samherji Fiskeldi has been operating land-based farms for over 20 years becoming a major producer of salmon and char. A brand new 40,000-ton land-based fish farm is currently in the works and will produce high-quality salmon with the latest technology in a streamlined facility. It will be located in Reykjanes, a hot bed of geothermal power plants, which will create unique opportunities for the full utilization of waste streams. A circular economy will be the guiding light for this facility with the goal of leaving the lowest possible ecological footprint. From the introduction of roe to the finished high-quality products, the entire production process will take place in a single location. The first phase of three is already financed. Construction is set to begin next year and the facility is expected to be completed in 2032. There will be offices in Reykjavík and Reykjanes during construction.

Positions Available:

Processing design

  • Head of the design of 40,000-ton land-based fish farm
  • Project management during design and implementation
  • Preparation and follow-up of construction contracts
  • Implementation plan and phasing

Education and experience:
Civil engineering or equivalent. Experience in management and large practical projects is a must.

Head of Hatchery

  • Station manager of new RAS hatchery
  • Design, procurement, construction, follow-up and operation of the hatchery.

Education and experience:
University education in aquaculture, biology or fisheries science. Experience in operating RAS systems is essential.

Head of ongrowing

  • Station manager in the new and covered 40,000-ton land-based fish farm with PRAS system.
  • Design, procurement, construction, follow-up and operation of the farm.

Education and experience:
University education in aquaculture, biology or fisheries science. Aquaculture experience is essential.

Head of Processing

  • Design and optimization of processing processes
  • 40,000 tons produced annually
  • Project management during design and building phases
  • Preparation of construction contracts for processing equipment
  • Follow-up of installations and tests

Education and experience:
Relevant education and experience in project management. Knowledge of Inventor/Solidworks and Autocad.

Civil Engineer

  • Civil engineer in the field of design and construction
  • Pre-design in collaboration with farming department
  • Design control and integration

Education and experience:
Civil engineering or equivalent. Knowledge of piping design a plus.

Security Leader

  • Security design planning and management
  • Risk analysis of work processes
  • Coordination of staff training records
  • Staff training and organization courses
  • Follow-up of security agreements during construction

Education and experience:
Relevant university education, e.g. in the field of food or engineering. Knowledge and experience of safety management, quality management and operation of quality systems.

Data Analyst

  • Structure of data warehouses
  • Breeding systems
  • Processing system
  • SCADA system
  • Financial system
  • Reporting in PowerBI

Education and experience:
Computer science or engineering. Experience with data analysis and reporting is essential.


  • Chief veterinarian of all facilities
  • Supervision of biological aspects, sampling and health control in farms
  • Optimization of work processes to ensure stock health
  • Creation of health plans for each farm in collaboration with station manager and aquaculture quality manager
  • Continuous education of staff in general fish welfare, handling and disease prevention.

Education and experience:
University degree in veterinary medicine.

Applications and cover letters should be sent to www.hagvangur.is.
Application deadline is up to and including 30 October 2022.
For further job information contact Hallveig Hafstað Haraldsdóttir, hallveig@hagvangur.is and Katrín S. Óladóttir, katrin@hagvangur.is.




Tillaga að matsáætlun vegna Eldisgarðs á Reykjanesi HÉR eða með því að smella á myndina hér fyrir neðan.